The structure of the collaboration is that Cloudberry will have the opportunity to investigate the conditions for wind power establishment and run permit processes in selected areas on Holmen's land in bidding area SE3, which includes areas in Södermanland County, Östergötland County and Kalmar County. Holmen will then have an option to buy parts of the projects that have been granted permission. Through this collaboration, we can more quickly investigate and utilise the potential for energy production that Holmen's land has.

The collaboration means that Holmen Renewable Energy will be able to project develop more wind power on its own land, in line with our own strategy. Wind power development at Holmen Renewable Energy continues in parallel at the same pace as before, with both ongoing wind power projects and several projects in the start-up phase.

"The permit processes for wind power require a lot of investigations and work input. By collaborating with another developer, we can be more effective in investigating what our land has for potential. In this way, we can more quickly achieve our strategic goal of developing more wind power on our own land," says Fredrik Nordqvist, Business Area Manager at Holmen Renewable Energy.